How to LEAD Smarter – 3 Simple Ways to Lead by Example

For many of us working in the Middle East, pushing boundaries and shattering the glass ceiling may be out of reach in the somewhat traditional business environment we work in. Yet that is the same for many working-women around the world, where they are constantly faced with a barrage of issues and pressures they have to deal with in their professional lives.

Having worked in several industries and cities around the world, several things struck me. Its not just women navigating a male orientated business environment, but the competitiveness and rivalry women display once they “arrive”. Women have been told that in order to get ahead, they need to think and act like a man. However, I beg to differ. By doing so, you may get ahead in the boardroom, or nab that promotion but you will win no friends and fail to influence the next generation of women coming behind you.

It is no understatement that the workplace gender balance is skewed, with female employees suffering from lower levels of pay, to a serious lack of representation in the C-Suite.

Yet there are ways to inspire the next generation of women, and demonstrate strong, positive leadership to those who are looking to be inspired in their careers.  These are just some of the ways you can inspire women to LEAD:

Lead by example

Demonstrate positive leadership by leading by example. Don’t set employees impossible tasks that you know you would struggle to complete yourself. Providing a full and thorough briefing will ensure that your employees are prepared and capable of taking on their new task.

Show Interest

This may seem obvious, but many women struggle with seeing themselves progress in the long-term when it comes to their careers, or worse, feel it’s not “lady-like” to be ambitious. Set your team personal targets, and make sure you have regular monthly weekly check-ins to see if they’re hitting their targets, or if they are struggling in their role.

Always Communicate

Never be seen as being unapproachable. Schedule weekly team catch-ups and make sure your employees understand that you are there to support them. While an open-door policy may not always be appropriate, it’s vital to not be seen as difficult to speak with, especially in a leadership role.

LEADWomen offers a wide range of courses, carefully designed to equip our women delegates with the latest tools and best practices to meet the rigorous demands of today’s fast paced business environment.


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