Empowering Women
to Lead and Succeed

Empowering Women
to Lead and Succeed

Women are changing the world. And we're changing the way women advance in their careers.

Become a woman for
Sustained Success in a
Changing Business Landscape

Become a woman for
Sustained Success in a
Changing Business Landscape

At LEADWomen, we believe that no matter your career level or experience, everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their goals. That's why we offer a comprehensive training program that is tailored to meet your specific needs and ambitions. At LEADWomen, we believe that no matter your career level or experience, everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their goals.

LEADWomen is
here for you.

LEADWomen is
here for you.

In a time when women have been taking some major steps forward in the business world, we want t o make sure that women has the tools they need to take their career to the next level. That's why we're here! Contact our team of dedicated experts and become the best version of yourself.

Why LeadWomen?


Leadwomen is an internationally recognized training and development consultancy working with women worldwide in the professional sectors. We focus on leading change, empowering women, and ensuring a thriving and motivated workforce.

Through our portfolio of seminars, we help women and organizations achieve their full potential by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in today’s fast-paced world. Our mission is to empower women leaders to reach their goals by providing them with the tools, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed. 

At LEADWomen, we are passionate about empowering women leaders, and we are committed to helping our clients achieve their full potential

“There is no limit to what we,
as women, can accomplish”




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This LEADWomen Professional Women in Leadership Certificate Training Course offers a unique opportunity for women to take a high jump in terms of their confidence and competence as leaders in the workplace.

Women’s innate sense of responsibility, people skills, and creativity are well known.  As more and more women are entering the workforce, they are proving themselves to be invaluable assets to their companies.   

This program empowers women to really value themselves, and develop their leadership potential by focusing on the skills, attitudes, and qualities that are specially required by women in the workplace. 

17 - 21 Jun 2024
Barcelona - Spain

This LEADWomen Professional Women in Leadership Certificate Training Course offers a unique opportun......

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يعتبر التواصل الفعال أحد أهم العوامل التي تساعد على نجاح المرأة في مجال العمل. حيث يساعد التواصل الفعال على تحسين العلاقات الإنسانية، وبناء الثقة والاحترام بين الموظفين وإدارة الشركة، وتحقيق الأهداف المرجوة.

تركز هذه الدورة التدريبية المقدمة من ليدومن على تعزيز مهارات التواصل لدى المرأة وتعليمها كيفية التعامل مع الآخرين في بيئة العمل بطريقة فعالة وتنمي الثقة في النفس والقدرة على التعبير عن الأفكار والمشاعر بطريقة فعالة وكيفية التعامل مع المواقف الصعبة وإدارة الصراعات


يعتبر التواصل الفعال أحد أهم العوامل التي تساعد على نج......

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In today’s challenging workplace environment, it is critical to have a proper perspective on the direction in which you are heading. This LEADWomen training course will increase your awareness of how you can improve your effectiveness by developing skills that will enable you to be more effective and demonstrate presence in all you do. This LEADWomen training course will promote pride in self, pride in the team, pride in the organization, and pride in society at large.

This LEADWomen course will provide an excellent overview of the critical skills that every person should develop and apply in their work

15 - 19 Jul 2024
Istanbul - Turkey

In today’s challenging workplace environment, it is critical to have a proper perspective on the d......

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The LEADWomen Women's Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development Program offers a highly impactful and specialized training course designed exclusively for ambitious women in pursuit of excellence in the world of entrepreneurship. This comprehensive program provides a unique opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, and mindset essential for navigating challenges and capitalizing on opportunities within women-led businesses. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a startup founder, or a seasoned executive, this program is designed to refine your leadership capabilities, cultivate strategic thinking, and foster sustainable business growth. Join us on this transformative journey as we empower women to thrive, making remarkable strides in the entrepreneurial landscape and shaping a more inclusive and prosperous future.

12 - 16 Aug 2024
Istanbul - Turkey

The LEADWomen Women's Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development Program offers a highly impactful......

Unlocking the Potential of
Women Worldwide


Abu Dhabi - UAE
1 Courses

Barcelona - Spain
1 Courses

Dubai - UAE
9 Courses

Istanbul - Turkey
4 Courses


What Says Our Clients?

"Many thanks for sharing the knowledge & skills on topic which is very relevant to the woman in the workplace."

Reem Abdulghafour

"This should be a longer workshop. I didn't want it to end. Very useful. I feel empowered. Thank you. I want to see more."

Zainab Kessani

"Jacqui's very professional and encouraged relevant discussion. The references shared were very realistic."

Ruth Ghines

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